

From Blood on the Clocktower Wiki

Since experimental characters do not yet have a home script, some character descriptions, jinxes, and almanac entries may be updated to resolve an issue with the way that character works, or to make it more fun.

Changes are released in conjunction with regular updates to the official app, and will be updated on the wiki accordingly. These updates may be modified or updated again in the future. This page is a record of all changes made from May 2024.

May 24th 2024

New Jinxes


  • Cannibal / Juggler: If the Juggler guesses on their first day and dies by execution, tonight the living Cannibal learns how many guesses the Juggler got correct.

Updated Jinxes

Vizier / Magician

  • PreviousVizier / Magician: Only 1 jinxed character can be in play. Evil players start knowing which player and character it is.
  • CurrentVizier / Magician: If the Vizier and Magician are both in play, the Demon does not learn the Minions.

May 15th 2024

Ability text changes


  • PreviousKing: Each night, if the dead outnumber the living, you learn 1 alive character. The Demon knows who you are.
  • CurrentKing: Each night, if the dead equal or outnumber the living, you learn 1 alive character. The Demon knows who you are.

Almanac changes


  • The Goblin now has a rulebook entry in the experimental almanac.

New Jinxes


  • Pit-Hag / Cult Leader: If the Pit-Hag turns an evil player into the Cult Leader, they can't turn good due to their own ability.
  • Pit-Hag / Goon: If the Pit-Hag turns an evil player into the Goon, they can't turn good due to their own ability.



  • Summoner / Courtier: If the Summoner is drunk on the 3rd night, the Summoner chooses which Demon, but the Storyteller chooses which player.
  • Summoner / Engineer: If the Engineer removes a Summoner from play before that Summoner uses their ability, the Summoner uses their ability immmediately.
  • Summoner / Hatter: The Summoner cannot create an in-play Demon. If the Summoner creates a not-in-play Demon, deaths tonight are arbitrary.
  • Summoner / Pit-Hag: The Summoner cannot create an in-play Demon. If the Summoner creates a not-in-play Demon, deaths tonight are arbitrary.
  • Summoner / Pukka: The Summoner may choose a player to become the Pukka on the 2nd night.
  • Summoner / Zombuul: If the Summoner turns a dead player into the Zombuul, the Storyteller treats that player as a Zombuul that has died once.

Updated Jinxes

Pit-Hag / Politician

  • PreviousPit-Hag / Politician: The Pit-Hag cannot create an evil Politician.
  • CurrentPit-Hag / Politician: If the Pit-Hag turns an evil player into the Politician, they can't turn good due to their own ability.

Spy / Damsel

  • PreviousSpy / Damsel: Only 1 jinxed character can be in play.
  • CurrentSpy / Damsel: If the Spy is (or has been) in play, the Damsel is poisoned.

Summoner / Kazali

  • PreviousKazali / Summoner: The Kazali can not choose to create a Summoner.
  • CurrentSummoner / Kazali: The Summoner cannot create an in-play Demon. If the Summoner creates a not-in-play Demon, deaths tonight are arbitrary.

Summoner / Riot

  • PreviousSummoner / Riot: If the Summoner creates Riot, the chosen player and all evil players become Riot. The chosen player must be one of the Summoner's living good neighbours.
  • CurrentSummoner / Riot: If the Summoner creates Riot, all Minions become Riot.

Widow / Damsel

  • PreviousWidow / Damsel: Only 1 jinxed character can be in play.
  • CurrentWidow / Damsel: If the Widow is (or has been) in play, the Damsel is poisoned.



  • Teensyville scripts now have 6 Townsfolk, 2 Outsiders, 2 Minions, and 2 Demons.